Friday, July 30, 2010

Jason Behrends...

...delivers an admiring mini-review of Mary Hamilton's We Know What We are over on the Chicago Subtext blog at the Chicago Now. See? Thanks, Jason, for the review, and for running the Orange Alert Reading Series where Mary will have her Official Chapbook Launch Party on Sunday, August 15th at the Whistler. Be there.

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Claudia Smith...

...who, yes, is a Rose Metal Press Short Short Chapbook Contest winner (the very first, in fact), reviewed The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Writing Flash Fiction in the May/June 2010 issue of the American Book Review. See? Since ABR is not online, all we can see of the review for now (we're tracking down a hard copy) is that little blurb that comes up on ProjectMUSE, but it seems like a good start. Thanks to Claudia for the review, and ABR for the coverage!


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Thursday, July 29, 2010

Last night at Open Books in Chicago...

...Open Books Marketing Director Becca Keaty...
...welcomed the audience...
...and apologized for the lack of air conditioning in the store. But that was okay. And it certainly didn't faze Dan Brady...
...of Barrelhouse as he introduced James Tadd Adcox, whose purple mohawk (a product of the Artifice subscription drive) was also unfazed...
Next, I introduced Mary Hamilton. I was so excited about her chapbook coming out this week that my arm got blurry...
Then Mary Hamilton and her sequinned rib shirt read two fantastic stories from We Know What We Are...
...and then Simone Muench and Philip Jenks read from their collaborative work... ...and last but not least, a feathery Tim Jones-Yelvington read one story from his forthcoming chapbook, Evan's House and the Other Boys Who Live There, sans props...
...and his second story with slime!

Thanks to Open Books for hosting us, and thanks to our lovely audience... ...for sweating it out for the sake of independent literature!

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Wednesday, July 28, 2010

The Examiner...

...says of us and Barrelhouse that "Of all the specialty presses and quirky lit mags, these two are top on the list of quality." See? Thanks, Robert Duffer!


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Tuesday, July 27, 2010

On Wednesday, July 28th at Open Books in Chicago...

...Rose Metal Press and Barrelhouse will be joining forces for an evening of literary fabulousness. See? Hope to see you there!

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Thursday, July 22, 2010

Third Face.... We Know What We Are by Mary Hamilton some face time over here. Thanks, Barry Graham!


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Time Out Chicago...

...calls The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry "interesting beyond an audience typically interested in poetry." See? And why is that the case? Because it's "surprising and engaging" and "rather than asking the authors to write critically about the form, McDowell and Rzicznek asked each to explain what brought them to prose poetry." Thanks to Jonathan Messinger for the thoughtful consideration!


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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Spotlight on Rose Metal Press!

Really. The Small Press Spotlight, over at the Lit Witch. See? Thanks to Jennifer Palombi for the thoughtful questions and the invitation to participate.

And while we're at it, check out the "Checking In with Rose Metal Press" feature on the Fictionaut blog. Many thanks to Nicolle Elizabeth for the opportunity to provide Qs to her As.

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Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Harriet: a blog from the Poetry Foundation...

...mentions The Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry. See?

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Tuesday, July 06, 2010

Bookslut likes the Rose Metal Press Field Guide to Prose Poetry

Anya Groner reviews it here.

"The joy of this tome comes from the lively debates that emerge between writers in love with the form and, more importantly, from the poetry itself which spans from comical to dark, elliptical to narrative," she says. Thanks, Anya!

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