Monday, March 26, 2012

Mel Bosworth of Outsider Writers Collective and Press..

..completely gets the choose-your-own-adventure structure and charm of I Take Back the Sponge Cake by Loren Erdrich and Sierra Nelson. See?

"At the end of each poem and image pairing, the reader is presented with a fill-in-the-blank sentence and must choose between two homonyms to determine the next step of the experience. The construct is clever, not to mention relevant and culturally adaptive in this age of hyperlinks and touch-screen devices, and the worn interface of printed page and reader is injected with new life. The book is looping and fast, two traits that lend to its compulsive readability and also to its power to move the reader to begin again and again, hungry to try different routes."

Read the whole review here. Thanks, Mel!



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